Tag: Community Safety


Funding Strategies for Public Safety Projects

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Funding Strategies for Public Safety Projects
The first and most crucial step in seeking grant funding is to have a clear and detailed plan for the...
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The Benefits of Real-Time Crime Index Information
In recent years, the United States has experienced dramatic increases in gun violence. Currently, the...
a police officer talking to a young boy
The Lies Being Spun by Campaign Zero
In April 2022, Campaign Zero launched their #CancelShotSpotter campaign, raising a series of allegations...
a woman holding a microphone in front of a group of people
ShotSpotter Questions, Myths and Facts
80-85% of gunfire goes unreported to 9-1-1 Source: Brookings Institute <1 Minute Time for ShotSpotter...
Image of a map with an overlay of spots where ShotSpotter detected gunfire.
Optimal Gunshot Tracking for Understaffed Law Enforcement
Many law enforcement agencies are operating with a staffing deficit. Using technology, like gunshot tracking,...
Concealed Weapons Detection for Hospitals: Webinar Recap
Public safety trends from 2023 show an increase in shootings overall, including mass shootings, and hospitals...
Grants for Public Safety: A Comprehensive Guide
You’re looking to add leading-edge, proven technologies as part of your comprehensive public safety strategy,...
How to Garner Grant Funding for Violence Prevention Efforts
The process surrounding grant funding, especially federal funding, can seem daunting and difficult. The...
a group of people walking across a lush green field
Weapons Detection Systems for Higher Education Schools
Security at college campuses often consider the implementation of weapons detection systems for schools...
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Peregrine Alternatives
The contemporary law enforcement agency relies on technological tools to optimize the utilization of...
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About ShotSpotter, Inc.

ShotSpotter is a leader in precision policing solutions that enable law enforcement to more effectively respond to, investigate and deter crime.

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