Tag: Gunshot Detection


Addressing Gun Violence in Cape Town with ShotSpotter

a screenshot of a map of a neighborhood
Addressing Gun Violence in Cape Town with ShotSpotter
For law enforcement officials, effectively addressing gun violence in Cape Town remains a top priority....
a police officer walking down a street next to a police car
NYPD ShotSpotter: CEO Refutes Myths Laid Out in City Limits OpEd
As the CEO of SoundThinking, I am compelled to address the recent opinion piece by Taylor Skorpen, published...
Image of ShotSpotter map with overlay showing response radius.
Using Gunshot Detection: Where was ShotSpotter when I was a “Street Agent”?
Law enforcement has always been about using the training, tools, and experience you have on hand to keep...
a close up of a street sign on the ground
Is ShotSpotter Effective? Separating Facts from Fiction
In recent years, ShotSpotter—an acoustic gunshot detection system—has been the center of intense debate....
Leveraging Technology in Homicide Investigations: Gun Crime
It is widely known that the first 48 hours following homicide investigations involving gun crime are...
Federal Investigations​: Going Beyond Gunshot Detection
Federal investigations are increasingly complex in today’s interconnected world. Cross-jurisdictional...
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Benefits of ShotSpotter Integration with PlateRanger License Plate Recognition (LPR)
Gun violence continues to be a concern for law enforcement nationwide. A May 2024 survey by Pew Research...
ShotSpotter and PlateRanger Drone Integration
Drones are growing increasingly popular with law enforcement agencies across the United States. As of...
Tom Chittum Discusses ShotSpotter on Law Enforcement Podcast
On September 22, 2024, the Senior Vice President of Forensic Services at SoundThinking, Tom Chittum,...
a bullet laying on the ground in front of a building
Leveraging Crime Gun Intelligence Strategies
Over five days in August 2024, from August 9 through 13, the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement...
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About ShotSpotter, Inc.

ShotSpotter is a leader in precision policing solutions that enable law enforcement to more effectively respond to, investigate and deter crime.

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